Our new Vermeer T1255III SSD Surface Miner’s is the absolute cutting edge in technology and brought to you by EA Hire, an industry leader in bulk excavations for over 20 years.

This machine is direct drive, meaning a hydraulic motor mounted directly on the one side of the drum provides the drive. Not only is it far more productive than our competitors, it slashes the maintenance requirement by 90%. Older, inferior models are driven by a chain and sprockets with increased wear and less power to the drum.

The drum on this unit tilts 5 degrees each way meaning production continues while other machines would be wasting valuable time trying to level the machine up trying to cut to grade.  Cutting picks are also mounted on a 150mm high pedestal with an aggressive cutting sequence. Other machines have much less between the drum and picks causing non-productive friction.

Arguably the greatest asset of this Surface Miner is the fact it has the best dust scrubber system available on these machines. Being direct drive, it can achieve a superior seal around the drum in comparison to the competitors’ older machines. This class leading advantage is made even better by the fact that there is no tag behind scrubber required. Ours turns on a dime within a 13m envelope. In close confines and smaller applications, this smaller footprint and no requirement for an additional unit means less fuel, emissions and personnel as well as a significantly decreased chance of machine to machine and machine to personnel interactions.

Why is this machine the one you need for your next excavation job?

Dust System – Onboard True Dust Scrubber System – The Best! Complies with underground tunnelling use.

Direct Drive Power – 30% more productive than our competitors chain drive machines.

Tilting Drum – Tilts Horizontally 5 degrees each way – No others can.

Cut to Grade – Full UTS/GPS Guidance system means no over/under lapping. No other machine maximises production like this, cutting a perfect subgrade to fall if required. Reduces wear on haulage tyres and quickens haulage times.

Single Operator – Nothing to tow behind or remote control other than the machine.

Minimal Downtime – No costly downtime due to chain drive sprockets and chains like our competitors’ machines.


  • Alternative to rock breaking with no fly rock or high impact noise
  • Alternative to blasting in sensitive areas
  • No high impact noises. No respite periods.
  • Use in low vibration area’s
  • No secondary breaking or crushing required
  • Produces a manageable and consistent, reusable product
  • Level smooth finish, reducing tyre wear and damage, personnel ankle rolls and increasing haulage efficiency
  • Inhouse rock sampling service to work out production rates and GET wear

Project Benefits:

Road widenings for cut works in road corridors beside live traffic and sensitive infrastructure.

Rail cuttings and widenings beside live rail and sensitive infrastructure.

Bulk Excavations in sensitive areas.

Haul Roads planed to grade, reducing tyre wear and improving production & fuel efficiencies.

Tunnelling jobs such as benching, declines, large shafts and station boxes.

Building sites, particularly basement excavations.

Windfarms for access roads, pads and laydown areas for high production outputs.

Surface Miner Extracting Sandstone
Planed finish to grade
Downsized product
Station Box Excavation
Station Box Excavation

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